Ashwood Eye & ENT
Northpark Private


Points to keep in mind

Tonsillectomy is a procedure where the tonsils are removed. This is usually for snoring/sleep apnoea, infection or, in rare cases, for suspected cancer.

  • When you wake up from your general anaesthesia your throat will be sore. Children may wake up unsettled but will become calmer, especially once transferred to the ward.
  • Recovery usually takes 2 weeks. During this time the pain may worsen before it improves and may refer to the ears. There should be improvement by 24 hours.
  • The tonsillar beds can appear white and have an odour. This is not necessarily an infection.
  • There is a 5% chance of bleeding that may occur in the first 2 weeks. A small amount of blood is acceptable, for example, blood-stained saliva. However, if there are any large clots then please present to an Emergency Department to be assessed.
Please try to
  • Eat as normally as possible. There are no dietary restrictions but softer and colder foods may be better tolerated. Keep well hydrated.
  • Take paracetamol regularly for the first 7 days, and ibuprofen and other stronger prescribed medication as needed.
  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.


Adenoidectomy is a procedure where the adenoids, which are located at the back of the nose, are removed. This can be for snoring or nasal obstruction.
Points to keep in mind
  • Recovery usually takes 2 weeks.
  • Initially you may feel blocked, and crusts may develop.
  • A small amount of blood is expected.
Please try to
  • Not blow your nose for 2 weeks.
  • Keep the nose moisturised to prevent crusting with saline sprays or rinses.
  • Take paracetamol regularly and ibuprofen and stronger prescribed medication as needed.
  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.


Grommets are small tubes that are placed within the ear drum to drain fluid in the middle ear. Grommet insertion or myringotomies can be done for recurrent middle ear infections, retained middle ear fluid or hearing loss.
Points to keep in mind
  • Recovery usually takes 24 hours
  • A small amount of blood from the ears is normal
  • Grommets can last anywhere from 6 months to much longer, but normally stay in for around a year.
Please try to
  • Keep the ears dry for the first few days. If drops have been prescribed then place 3 drops, 3 times a time for 3 days. Each time have the head tilted on the side to allow gravity to facilitate delivery.
  • Ear plugs are not absolutely mandatory for showering, bathing and even swimming. However, if you find getting the ears wet does cause prolonged discharge, then ear plugs are recommended.
  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.

Sinus Surgery

Surgery on the sinuses or FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) can be for acute infection, chronic inflammation or sinusitis, polyps, or pain, especially related to pressure changes. Rarely this can be for tumours and cancers.
Points to keep in mind
  • Recovery usually takes 2 weeks.
  • Initially you will feel blocked and have crusts which is normal. There is usually dissolvable packing that will disintegrate with time (1-2 weeks).
  • Do not be alarmed if large amounts of blood stained mucous comes out of your nose. A small amount of blood for up to 7 days is expected.
Please try to
  • Not blow your nose for 2 weeks.
  • Keep the nose moisturised with saline rinses or sprays, 4 times a day for 4 weeks.
  • Take paracetamol and ibuprofen as needed.
  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.


Septoplasty is a procedure on the nasal septum to correct deviations. This can be for nasal obstruction, snoring or can be in conjunction with sinus surgery and rhinoplasty.
Points to keep in mind
  • Recovery usually takes 2 weeks.
  • Initially you will feel blocked and have crusts which is normal. There is usually dissolvable packing that will disintegrate with time (1-2 weeks).
  • Do not be alarmed if large amounts of blood stained mucous comes out of your nose. A small amount of blood for up to 7 days is expected.
Please try to
  • Not blow your nose for 2 weeks.
  • Keep the nose moisturised with saline rinses, 4 times a day for 4 weeks.
  • Take paracetamol and ibuprofen as needed.
  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.


Rhinoplasty is a procedure that changes the appearance of the nose. Sometimes this is for cosmetic reasons. More commonly, a rhinoplasty is required with a septoplasty for functional reasons (via an open septo-rhinoplasty approach) for very crooked noses.
Points to note
  • Exact cosmetic results are not guaranteed and a small number of patients may require revision surgery.
  • Swelling of the nose can last for months, even up to a year.
  • Recovery usually takes 2 weeks and any activities that increase the risk of trauma to the face should be avoided for 6 weeks.
  • Initially you will feel blocked and have crusts which is normal. There is usually dissolvable packing that will disintegrate with time (1-2 weeks).
  • Do not be alarmed if large amounts of blood stained mucous comes out of your nose. A small amount of blood for up to 7 days is expected.
  • Sutures and splints, both outside and inside the nose, are removed at 7 days.

Please try to

  • Refrain from touching your nose and avoid any activity where it can be struck.
  • Not blow your nose for 2 weeks.
  • Keep the nose moisturised with saline sprays, 4 times a day for 4 weeks.
  • Use ointment on the stitches/scar 1-2/day for 2 weeks.
  • Take paracetamol and ibuprofen as needed.
  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.

Submandibular Gland Removal

Submandibular gland excision is a procedure where the gland is removed. This can be for recurrent infection, retained stones or for tumour or suspicion of cancer.
Points to note
  • Recovery usually takes 10 days.
  • There will be initial swelling and firmness of the scar. This will resolve with time.

Please try to

  • Keep the wound dry for 1 week. Dressings should be removed after 1 week.
  • After 1 week and after the wound has closed, massage it with moisturiser daily.
  • Take paracetamol and ibuprofen as needed.
  • Eat as normally as possible.
  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.


Parotidectomy is a procedure where the parotid gland is removed. This can be for recurrent infection, retained stones or for tumour or suspicion of cancer.
Points to keep in mind
  • Recovery usually takes 2 weeks.
  • There will be initial swelling and firmness of the scar. This will resolve with time
Please try to
  • Keep the wound dry for 1 week. Dressings should be removed after 1 week.

  • After 1 week and after the wound has closed, massage it with moisturiser daily.

  • Take paracetamol and ibuprofen as needed.

  • Eat as normally as possible.

  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.


Myringoplasty is a procedure where the ear drum is repaired if there is a perforation. This is to waterproof the middle ear to prevent further infections. Usually as a result the hearing improves.

Points to keep in mind
  • Recovery usually takes 2 weeks, but ongoing healing may still occur in the ear for up to 2 months.

  • It is normal for the ear to be blocked as packing can remain for up to 1 month.

  • A small amount of blood-stained discharge from within and behind the ear is expected.

Please try to
  • Avoid getting water in the ear for 1 month and avoid getting the wound behind the ear wet for 1 week. A small ball of Vaseline-soaked cotton may be used as a waterproof plug.

  • Avoid blowing your nose for 1 month and flying for 6 weeks.

  • Contact the rooms if there are any concerns.